Ryan Eagle Picture

Ryan Eagle

Managing Partner

I remember in 4th grade I had two artists I was listening to and decided to make a choice. On one side, I had DMX’s hit debut album – on the other side I had a Greenday album. I chose the suburban white kid gangster life and immersed myself into hip-hop, which I listened exclusively to for most of my life. Looking back, I attribute a lot of my success to the music I listened to and the hustle culture that songs pushed. Thinking about it – it may have got me into a little bit of trouble too…

When Soundcloud got popular a few years ago – I was obsessed. I spent hours sifting through new artists and music, loving the variety and ability for artists to emerge from the ground up. I started listening to more genres: rock, house, bluegrass, and punk. I would discover songs and artists with barely any plays, look back later, and see that they had blown up and went viral. Being a businessman I began playing with the idea in my head that I could do something with this – plus everyone wants to be in the music industry, right?

Being modest – I am second to none when it comes to making money, building businesses and marketing. The people that surround me absorb immense wealth & success through osmosis – I’m a walking money printer. I have two decades of incredible successes in the business world behind me with no signs of slowing. I’ve mastered marketing & financing – investing well over 10,000 hours into my craft.

For a living, I invest in businesses through XCell Fund and use my team at Sidago Integrated Solutions to market and build them from the ground up to hugely successful entities. I’m surgical at what I do and I knew there was a way to apply my marketing skills and business acumen to emerging artists through Eagle Bones Media.

There are no exceptions: everyone we work with getting rich – I’m in this game for millions.

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